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What to expect

From me you can expect periodic emails outlining my adventures in knitting. This will be a look behind-the-scenes of my journey in pattern creation, knitting discovery and my strange obsession with mystery yarn. You can also expect valuable tips and tricks I pick up along the way. And I hope you’ll share your best advice with me as well. Let’s commit right now to learn from each other.

A bit about me

Although my mom is an accomplished knitter I chose the hard way by learning left-handed knitting from a book. It all began when I decided to make my sister a fluffy scarf for Christmas. From the beginning knitters have come alongside and helped guide my journey and ignite my passion for creating. I love learning new stitches and patterns and I love giving back to the community. Now I’m asking the big, daunting question can you make money from knitting? I’ll let you know what I find out.

The quest

My hope is this newsletter will become a place where we can learn and grow in our knitting expertise together. But this means I need your input.

However it best suits you please get in touch with me. Let me know your knitting passions, questions, struggles and goals. If you reach out I promise to check out your work and respond. Like I said, I want to learn from you as much as I hope you will learn from me.

Again, thanks for connecting. I hope you will find my newsletter both inspiring and relevant.