Creativity Strikes
Some of us are driven to create. But what if we can’t make it up as we go? Knitting is hard enough without having to figure out how to make the math work. Or what if you can write patterns but inspiration doesn’t come? Creativity can strike then too. I’ve learned creativity strikes most often after you’re already in action—not waiting around for it to start the party.
Free Pattern: Cabled Boot Cuffs
This pattern was created in sample form but I liked it so much I jotted down the instructions and with a couple variations you can customize them to your size/liking. These ones fit a child, and I used 3.25 mm double pointed needles. If you up the DPNs to 4.5 mm and follow the same instructions this should fit an adult calf.
One great customization people often overlook is adding buttons to the top cuff. It ups the elegance and if you choose the right button makes them look fancy.

Before January 2009 I was a recreational knitter. But then something happened. And I was hooked. (Wait, is that a crochet pun?)
It started with fluffy scarves, then toques (hats to you non-Canadians) and hand warmers. Once I learned double-pointed knitting my obsession was full-fledged.
I’m fortunate to have several friends and my mother to ask all my fussy, knitty questions to. Since I learned to knit (left handed!) from a book, I missed a lot of basics that would’ve maybe been covered if I’d learned from a person instead.
My formal training is in journalism and I’ve worked as a professional writer since 2009. The ultimate goal for this site is to create a space where my passions can merge and become a place where it’s OK to write about knitting and vice versa. Although I’m not sure how you can knit about writing.
There must be a way.

Free Pattern: Cabled Boot Cuffs
This pattern was created in sample form but I liked it so much I jotted down the instructions and with a couple variations you can customize them to your size/liking. These ones fit a child, and I used 3.25 mm double pointed needles. If you up the DPNs to 4.5 mm and follow the same instructions this should fit an adult calf.
One great customization people often overlook is adding buttons to the top cuff. It ups the elegance and if you choose the right button makes them look fancy.